Maths Games @ edu.MALL Interactive Resources

Fun at the Maths Carnival Dartition - Lower Primary

  • 2-step problem on addition and subtraction up to 1000 - Pupils to apply strategy to solve problem (1st: Add the 2 numbers; next: subtract the sum from 1000). If pupils could not solve the problem after 3 attempts, they will be directed to a tutorial page that explains the strategy to them.
  • Pre-requisite: Pupils know how to add and subtract (up to hundreds)
  • Type of game: Application of skills
  • Pupils able to access online (via internet); Teachers can also download.
Fun at the Maths Carnival Fish - Lower Primary

  • Pupils manipulate objects into groups and count (in simple multiples of 3). If pupils could not solve the problem after 2 attempts, they will be directed to a tutorial page that demostrates the grouping to them.
  • Pre-requisite: Nil
  • Type of game: Learning of Concepts of multiplication
  • Pupils able to access online (via internet); Teachers can also download.

Fun at the Maths Carnival Bottly Bottla - Lower Primary

  • Pupils given 2 numbers (by 'ringing' the 2 bottles with numbers) and suppose to 'ring' the answer. If pupils could not solve the problem after 3 attempts, they will be directed to a tutorial page that explains the grouping strategy to them.
  • Pre-requisite: Pupils know how to multiply 2 single digit numbers (both 5 or less)
  • Type of game: Application of skills
  • Pupils able to access online (via internet); Teachers can also download.