Literature on Maths-related Games (from Internet Research)
- Blending Instructional Design Principles with Computer Game Design: The Development of Descartes' Cove (Particia Wallace) [also available in pdf:]
- "We Have Never-Forgetful Flowers In Our Garden:" Girls' Responses To Electronic Games (Kori Inkpen, Rena Upitis, Maria Klawe, Joan Lawry, Ann Anderson, Mutindi Ndunda, Kamran Sedighian, Steve Leroux, and David Hsu)
- A Classroom Study: Electronic Games Engage Children As Researchers (Maria Klawe and Eileen Phillips) [also availabe in word:]
- Exploring Common Conceptions About Boys and Electronic Games (Joan Lawry, Rena Upitis, Maria Klawe, Ann Anderson, Kori Inkpen, Mutindi Ndunda, David Hsu, Steve Leroux, Kamran Sedighian) [also available in pdf:]
- Web Mathematics anyone? (Esther Yook Kin Loong) [also available in pdf:]
- Computer Games in Education Project: What aspects of games may contribute to education? (
- Promoting Transfer of Mathematics Skills Through the Use of a Computer-Based Instructional Simulation Game and Advisement (Richard Van Eck) [also availabe in pdf:]
- The Art of Computer Design (Chris Crawford)
- What makes a Learning Game (Schaller, David.)
- WoW-A-Minute: The World of Warcraft Blog (PC)
- Education and Simulation/Gaming and Computers (Jerry Seay)
- John Seeley Brown piece - 'Screen Language': The New Currency for Learning (Martha Lagace)