Topic: Time

1. Count Us In Games – Game 10: Time

Maths topic: Time [Primary]

  • Pupils are to match the digital clock to the analog clock of the same time.
  • Prior to doing the activity, pupils should have learnt to read time.
  • Pupils practise the reading time.


2. Bedtime Bandits

Maths topic: Time [Primary]

  • The objective is to stay up as late as possible by blasting the correct clocks with your magical flashlight.
  • Pre-requisite: Pupils are able to read time displayed on analog clocks.
  • This activity serves as a practice.


3. Clock Works

Maths topic: Time [Primary]

  • The objective is to identify the time on as many clocks as possible in two minutes.
  • Pre-requisite: Pupils are able to read time displayed on analog clocks.
  • This activity serves as a practice.
